
Welcome to the new portal for Tenders

This is the official site for Tender Notices issued by the Institute. The Tenders are not restricted only to Procurement of Materials, but also include calls for bids from Vendors to provide different services to/at the Institute. The latest Tenders are listed on the top. Open the link to Read/Download the documents.

Appointment of IEMs in respect of Tenders value Rs.1 Crore and above

Shri Mukesh Mittal, IRS (Retd.)

Shri Prahlad Kumar Sinha, IP&TAFS (Retd.)

How to use this portal

The upload facility is available to IIT Employees who are able to login to this site using their ADS username and password.

The process is as follows:

  1. Login to the site using ADS username and password.
  2. You can now use the link "Add content" to upload the tender document.
IDReferenceTender TitleOpening DateClosing Date
IDReferenceTender TitleOpening DateClosing Date
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